
The most disturbing and irritating part of the internet is the comment section. It’s meant to be a place where individuals can share opinions about the article, video, or post above, but instead it becomes a screaming mosh pit for unfiltered mouths. This has always been a problem on social media sites, especially Twitter and Facebook, but recently commenters have reached new levels of hatred.

Someone will make a comment about something insignificant, and it soon turns into a roaring battle complete with threats and obscenities. It is clearly stated in the Constitution that citizens have a right to free speech, but is it really free if those opinions are oppressed or derogatory?

It is a sad fact when a music video or opinion article can be soured by its readers, leaving the creator stranded bloody on the battle field. People are so caught up in being correct or more important than others that they forget the real reason opinions are important.

If everyone agreed, the human race would be nothing more than a series of robotic clones, so of course opinions matter. They promote diversity and individualism. Disaggreance motivates progress and refines products and ideas. Slavery, the French monarchy and the production of Twinkies were all ended because of a difference of opinion.

However, there is a point where someone’s opinion is mere slander. Throwing curse words at each other or saying something is stupid is not expressing your opinion. That’s forgetting to think before you speak.

In order to keep the internet a safer, productive place, there are some rules everyone should follow.

If it sounds like it will be offensive, don’t say it.

If someone is acting petty, don’t respond. Ignore them. You’ll eventually forget they ever existed.

If you disagree, be polite.

Replying with the word ugly does not make you funny or cute. It makes you a jerk.

If your statement ends in lol, don’t do it.

The power of someone’s opinion can be life or death. Bullying can lead to suicide. Harsh criticism can lead to the end of a career. Opinions wage wars and fight injustice. They can launch an industry or crush it. If opinions have that much power, why are we all wasting them on Justin Bieber or red carpet fashion?