A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll


We asked seniors their favorite White Station memory…

“My favorite memory has definitely been probably like the pep rallies or being in ROTC, definitely because you can see everyone together.” – Eleanor Gunn (12) (ELEANOR GUNN//USED WITH PERMISSION)
“Definitely one of my favorite memories from the past four years here is the ROTC family that I have created along the way.” – Carlee Street (12) (CARLEE STREET//USED WITH PERMISSION)
“So in JROTC we have this competition … and one of my teams got first place, so it’s a big deal there and I really enjoyed all the work and progress being shown towards that.” – Sarah Terhune (12) (MATTHEW TERHUNE//USED WITH PERMISSION)
“The first pep rally coming back from COVID was really cool, I just heard a lot about it in middle school and it was really fun to see everyone in the gym together.” – Jordan Kirby (12) (ELIZABETH KIRBY//USED WITH PERMISSION)

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