Spartan lot etiquette

Driving is a wonderful freedom— at least, it is until Spartans take a spin in the parking lots.

We have the tiny little drives off Colonial and Perkins that can barely fit two cars, much less a bus and a car. We have sudden pot holes and jutting speed bumps. These are facts we have to deal with every day. But if we learned a little Spartan lot etiquette, maybe there would be less chaos.

Keep to the right. Please. Park in one spot, in between two white lines (however faded they are). There should not be a line under your car. Double parking is illegal, by the way.

Also, let pedestrians walk across. They are doing the same thing you are— trying to get to their cars. Have a heart. If there is a group of chit-chatters in the middle of the road, you have the right to ask them to move. Do so politely.

Don’t speed. You are in a school full of teenagers who cross parking lots without looking left, right, then left again. If you are one of these pedestrians crossing the lots without looking left, right, then left again, please do so.

If you are coming in off Colonial into the east parking lot, remember cars alternate rolling into the driveway. Wait your turn.

Oh, and don’t forget to turn off your lights. It’s no fun when a dead battery keeps you from getting home. And remember, never park in the bus lane.