Scouts of America: More than just a camping trip

Leadership, community service and knot-tying are all part of the Scouts experience. When it comes to Scouts of America, there’s a lot more than what meets the eye.

In many scout troops, many activities take place on a regular basis.

“My troop goes camping about once a month, and we have meetings every Monday,” Delaney Bayer (11) said. Bayer has been a Girl Scout for seven years.

A variety of leadership opportunities take place throughout the seven-

Eagle Scout Saumil Bansal (11) stands with his father at Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico. Many boy scouts embark on these leadership opportunities to gain more life skills throughout their scout careers.

rank career of a Boy Scout, leading to advanced skill development. One such opportunity took place at Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico. 

“It was a tough, challenging experience, but I really got to have a great experience with my friends,” Dominic Reynolds (12), who has been a Boy Scout for 12 years, said.

Community service is also a significant part of advancing through the ranks.

“For my service project, I created a couple of vegetable gardens for a community downtown,” Eagle Scout Saumil Bansal (11) said. “Boy Scouts made me more aware of the community, and that’s made me a lot of who I am today.”

Being a part of the Scouts of America has numerous academic benefits as well, such as scholarships.

“Many Girl Scouts get a college scholarship based on their gold award, and just being a Girl Scout in general gets scholarships as well,” Bayer said.

Overall, the Scouts of America experience leaves lasting effects on students involved.

“Boy Scouts is probably one of the best things I’ve ever done.” Bansal said.  “I think forming close relationships and just having fun with my troop is something that I’m going to have for the rest of my life.”