A walk down memory lane doesn’t look quite so familiar

These pictures depict White Station throughout the years. 1957 (top left), 1971 (top right), and 2001 (top center) all show the vast changes over the past decades.

Hayden T

These pictures depict White Station throughout the years. 1957 (top left), 1971 (top right), and 2001 (top center) all show the vast changes over the past decades.

As graduation day rolls around, you walk the stage, get your diploma and transition into the next part of your life. High school soon becomes a distant memory—gone but never forgotten. 

In many of our minds, high school will always be the same, but as many alumni take a walk down memory lane, they find that everything from policies to programs has changed.

Rachel Briggs (Class of 2001) returned to White Station’s campus after graduating and noticed many differences since her time here.

“[I noticed] the beautiful, new courtyard between the Main Building and the annex,” Briggs said. “I think it looks better than when we were there.”

Although certain things have changed, other qualities of White Station, alumni have pointed out, will always be the same.

“The academic hunger of the students [will never change],” Demitrius Butler (Class of 2001) said. 

For many alumni, returning to these green and white hallways brings back memories of their favorite high school moments. 

“Mr. Berlin’s art room [was my favorite thing about White Station] (no contest),” Briggs said. “Also, the freedom to be an individual.”

Among all of his memories from his time as a Spartan, Butler vividly recalls. 

“[I’ll always remember] Jennifer Ervin rapping her Student Council Vice President debate speech and dealing her victory against me right before my eyes. ”

Who knows what White Station will look like years from now? It’s always nostalgic to take a trip down memory lane and relive the days of high school. From one White Station graduate to many potential others, “Don’t hold back!” Briggs said. “The world direly needs your art, your words, your cleverness, your intelligence and most importantly: your heart.”