Engineering day meeting hopes to attract new participants

On Oct. 19th, hundreds of students interested in engineering will flock to the University of Memphis campus to participate in series of competitions. The event is known as Engineering Day, or E-Day, for short. White Station, which has traditionally done well in E-Day, looks to recruit new participants and continue their success.

Students are drawn to E-Day for a variety of reasons.

“E-Day lets me miss school, do fun competitions, and hang out with friends,” Vaibhav Shah (12) said.

This year, E-Day will consist of eight events, including a boat race, transportation challenge, wall, egg drop, water filtration, MLGW A-Blazing Race, wing design and chipboard beam. These challenges will be completed by teams of students who practice at school and at home.

White Station will look to continue its success at E-Day, and it all starts at the interest meeting.