Libraries In All Shapes and Sizes

Little Free Libraries: three words that have swept the world. But what exactly are they?

According to, “[The little free library] is a ‘take a book, return a book’ gathering place where neighbors share their favorite literature and stories.”

It all started when founder Todd Dol’s mother passed away in 2009, and he hoped to preserve her memory by constructing a small library outside his house. The rest is history.

These little libraries have two missions: “to promote literacy and the love of reading by building free book exchanges worldwide” and “to build a sense of community as we share skills, creativity and wisdom across generations.”

Four years after the founding of this organization, over 15,000 libraries have been constructed across the globe, located from Hawaii to Ghana.

“I think the Little Free Library is a great way to connect to your community,” Kelsey Bowen (12) said. “The cool thing about it is that you can leave a note on the notepad in the box. You can talk about your favorite books to other people, and it’s a good way to get rid of your old books you don’t want anymore.”

With fourteen different Little Free Libraries located in Memphis, including two in Overton Park and one on Cole Road, anyone can use them.

First, grab that dusty book off your bookshelf. You loved it, and someone else will too.

Then locate the nearest Little Free Library to you by using their website, There you can find the exact location of the library as well as an image of it.

Once you’ve finally figured that out, travel without a car. Enjoy the outdoors as you make way to your new book heaven.

YOU’VE MADE IT! Now, dig through the pile of books that can range from “The Cat in the Hat” to “History of Western Philosophy” until you find one that suits your fancy. Say farewell to your loved book and place it inside the library as a tears of joy and sadness drips down your smiling face.

You can now ride off into the sunset, knowing you have helped shape a better community.